Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for the Tabletop Game Alliance of Washington State

The Board of Directors of Tabletop Game Alliance of Washington State (“TGA”) has adopted the following Code of Conduct Policy (“Policy”) for the TGA, effective as of July 1st, 2024.  This Policy is intended to set forth protocols and expectations relating to members’ and guests’ behavior and procedures for addressing misconduct. This policy is not intended to address unlawful behavior or urgent matters of public safety. The TGA is not a substitute for the police or the criminal justice system. Likewise, the TGA is not a replacement for a member company’s Human Resources. A Policy violation by an employee or a guest and any sanctions against that individual may be reported to the individual’s employer at the discretion of the TGA. Upon joining or participating in the TGA and at TGA events, each member and guest shall be subject to this Policy

Our mission is: 

  • To grow the tabletop games industry in Washington State by sharing best practices, advocating for policy, and developing new opportunities for members.
  • To build mutually beneficial public-private partnerships with state agencies, public institutions, educators, and tribal governments.
  • To communicate the value of play to the public
  • To grow the tabletop audience
  • And to nurture game makers at all stages of development, from hobbyists to corporate enterprises.

This policy allows us to carry out our mission by establishing a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for all members and participants at sanctioned TGA in-person and virtual events and spaces. 

We acknowledge that:

  • Membership is voluntary and open to recognized tabletop creators, publishers, retailers, and industry stakeholders.
  • Our members are a diverse group of individuals that share a common association to tabletop games.
  • Members must agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and positively contribute to the organization’s mission and goals.
  • The committee reserves the right to revoke membership for violations of this Code of Conduct.
  • Guests may, at times, be allowed to participate in TGA events.

All members and guests of the TGA are expected to:

  • Conduct themselves with integrity, professionalism, and respect for others at all times. This includes abiding by general dress protocols communicated prior to an event.
  • Communicate honestly and transparently, and avoid misrepresenting personal views as those of the committee, your employer, or the TGA.
  • Respect the confidentiality of any sensitive information shared within committees.
  • Be aware of power differentials and respectfully acknowledge the diversity in our membership.
  • Individuals are encouraged to state their pronouns during introductions to others. This simple action often makes it safer and more comfortable for those who might not necessarily use traditional pronouns, and it reduces the possibility of misgendering someone.

When lobbying legislators on behalf of the TGA, members must:

  • Before the meeting, inform the TGA in writing via email or post to the TGA Slack, and follow up after the meeting with a list of participants and any conclusions reached.
  • Disclose their affiliation with the TGA and the nature of their interest in the legislation.
  • Present accurate information and avoid misleading representations of facts or data.
  • Treat others — both allies and adversaries — with respect and civility.
  • Refrain from offering or accepting any inappropriate inducements or gifts, as defined by current state and federal guidelines, in exchange for influence or decision-making.
  • Refrain from acting in any manner that will undermine public confidence in the TGA or trust in the democratic governmental process.

The organization and committees contained within are committed to maintaining a harassment-free environment. Members and guests are expected to:

  • Report any incidents of harassment, discrimination, or misconduct they witness or experience to the designated committee officer.
  • Cooperate fully in any investigations of misconduct.
  • Respect, within the bounds of the law, the confidentiality and privacy of all parties involved in an incident. 


Incident Reporting Procedure


  • Any individual who wishes to report harassment or misconduct must submit a written report to the designated officer.
  • The report should include a detailed description of the incident, including any relevant dates, locations, and the names of individuals involved.
  • The committee will review the report within a designated time frame, conduct an investigation as needed, and then take appropriate action in accordance with this Code of Conduct and applicable laws.

Enforcement and Sanctions 

Enforcement of the Code applies to persons who are or were members at the time of the conduct in question as well as any non-members participating in TGA-hosted events as invited guests, including but not limited to potential new members, vendors, speakers, and subject experts.

All participants in the enforcement process must respect confidentiality and refrain from any communication relating to the existence and subject matter of the complaint other than with those directly involved in the process.

The same rules of confidentiality apply to Complainants (persons who file a complaint), Respondents (those who are the subject of a complaint), their attorneys, and witnesses involved with the TGA’s investigatory process. It is within the purview of the Committee to determine what disclosures are appropriate for particular parties in order to effectively implement its investigatory obligations.

As part of the transparent process of investigation, the TGA will notify the Respondent that a complaint has been filed and an investigation is being conducted, and it will include the details of the complaint and any supporting documentation. At the same time, the TGA will notify the Complainant that the complaint is being investigated. At their discretion, parties charged with the investigation of complaints may request and obtain evidence directly from third parties without permission from the Complainant or Respondent.

Complaints may be dismissed by the Grievance Committee if it is determined that the TGA has no jurisdiction over the Respondent, if the complaint is judged not to have a basis for action under the Code, or if it is determined that there is insufficient factual evidence available to support a finding of an ethics violation.

On the basis of the information provided, the Grievance Committee will determine whether the findings are sufficient to demonstrate a violation of the Code and therefore warrant taking disciplinary action. The Grievance Committee may choose to recommend non-disciplinary corrective action or take disciplinary steps.

Non-Disciplinary Action
In line with the TGA’s goal of fostering a collaborative relationship between members, the Grievance Committee may choose non-disciplinary actions in order to educate members on appropriate professional conduct in the following ways:

Educative Letters: at the request of the Grievance Committee the Secretary may send a private letter to educate the Respondent and/or Complainant, if appropriate, about relevant standards of practice and/or appropriate professional behavior related to the complaint.

Advisory Opinions: at the request of the Grievance Committee the Secretary may issue general advisory opinions on ethical issues to inform and educate TGA members. These opinions shall be disseminated to the membership via official publications of the TGA.


After investigation, complaints determined to be violations of this Code of Conduct may result in either private or public disciplinary action as voted on by the Board of Directors.

Private Disciplinary Action
Reprimand: A formal expression of disapproval of conduct, communicated privately by letter from the Secretary. A reprimand is not disclosed outside of those tasked with investigating the complaint and determining sanctions, nor is it reported publicly.

Public Disciplinary Action
When the Grievance Committee imposes a public sanction, the Secretary will report the sanction and the Code of Conduct violation in TGA official publications.
Censure: A formal expression of disapproval that is publicly reported with an end date specified.
Probation of Membership: Continued TGA membership is conditional and may or may not include specific terms (such as completing an anger management course). Probation is publicly reported with an endpoint specified. Consideration will be given on a case-by-case basis for specific membership benefits, including but not limited to service on TGA committees, attendance at TGA events, and other volunteer opportunities.

Suspension: Removal of TGA membership and eligibility to obtain or renew membership during a specified period. Suspension is publicly reported with an endpoint specified.
Revocation: Permanent denial of Association membership. Revocation is publicly reported.


In the event of sanctions, the Secretary will notify the Respondent in writing, describe in sufficient detail the conduct that constitutes a violation of the Code and indicate the sanction that is being imposed. The Respondent may:

Accept the Decision: Accept the decision (as to both the Code violation and the sanction) and waive any right to an Appeal hearing. Failure to respond will be deemed to constitute acceptance of the decision and sanction.

Request Mitigation or Reduction of Sanction: Accept the decision that they violated the Code but, within thirty (30) calendar days, submit a statement to the Grievance Committee (with any supporting documentation) setting forth the reasons why the sanction should not be imposed or should be mitigated or reduced.
Request a Hearing: Advise the Grievance Committee in writing that they want to contest the decision and sanction and request an Appeal Hearing with the Grievance Committee.


Appeals shall generally address only the issues, procedures, or sanctions that are part of the record before the Grievance Committee. However, in the interest of fairness, the Grievance Committee may consider newly available evidence that is directly related to the original complaint.
An appeal shall be written, signed by the Respondent, and sent with delivery confirmation to the TGA Secretary. The grounds for the appeal shall be fully explained by the Respondent in this written document.
After consideration and investigation of the appeal and any additional evidence brought by the Respondent, the Grievance Committee shall have the power to (a) affirm the decision, (b) modify the decision, or (c) reverse the decision of the original investigation.
Final decisions will be publicized only after any appeal process has concluded. Public sanctions will be published in official publications of the Association under the following time frames:

Sanctions of Censure will remain published for three (3) years.

Sanctions of Probation and Suspension will remain published for the duration of the sanction plus three (3) years.

Sanctions of Revocation will remain published indefinitely.




New amendments or alterations to this Code of Conduct may be brought forward by a majority vote of the Membership Committee.


This Code of Conduct may be altered and amended by the Board of Directors. 


Members will be notified and provided with the updated Code of Conduct document in the event amendments and alterations are ratified by the Board.


By joining the Tabletop Game Alliance of Washington organization, members acknowledge their commitment to uphold this Code of Conduct and contribute positively to the organization’s mission, to their fellow members, and to the broader tabletop community.